WordPress is a content management system that powers many of the most popular sites on the web. WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day.

Everything you see here, from the documentation to the code itself, was created by and for the community. WordPress is an Open Source project, which means there are hundreds of people all over the world working on it. (More than most commercial platforms.) It also means you are free to use it for anything from your recipe site to a Fortune 500 web site without paying anyone a license fee and a number of other important freedoms.

The Advantages of WordPress

1. Easy to operate

You can make changes to the website yourself without having to know any HTML coding. Adding pages, blog posts, products, images and editing current content is easy on WordPress.

2. Cheaper to build

WordPress offers a huge variety of themes which can be used to build the website.

3. The highest number of developers creating themes and plugins for it

4. WordPress is a popular platform

5. Search Engine Optimization is made simple

WordPress offers several great search engine optimization tools that make doing your own on-site SEO simple.

6. E-commerce is available on WordPress

As an e-commerce store, you will often find yourself updating your products, pricing, sales, coupons and more. Woocommerce is extremely effective in doing all this along with offering great reports features. Building e-commerce into your website has never been easier or more cost effective!
Course Syllabus
  •    Getting to Know WordPress
  •   Getting Started with WordPress Self-Hosting
  •   Starting WordPress for the First Time
  •   Setting Up Your User Profile
  •    Creating Posts
  •   Creating Pages
  •   Managing Images, Video, and Other Media
  •   Extending WordPress Functionality with Plug-ins
  •    Working with Themes
  •   WordPress behind the Scenes
  •   The Twenty Eleven (Default) Theme
  •   The Appearance Tab
  •   WordPress Settings
  •    Exporting and Importing WordPress Content
  •   WordPress Site Maintenance and Security
  •   Getting Readers
  •   Diving Further into the World of WordPress
  • For more information: Contact
  • Phone : 9495490975
  • Email : mailtoeworld@gmail.com
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