Joomla! Core Features

Joomla! is the most popular and widely supported open source multilingual CMS platform in the world, offering 66 languages. Joomla! is one of the world's most popular software packages used to build, organize, manage and publish content for websites, blogs, Intranets and mobile applications. Owing to its scalable MVC architecture its also a great base to build web applications.

With more than 3 percent of the Web running on Joomla! and a CMS market share of more than 9 percent, Joomla! powers the web presence of hundreds of thousands of small businesses, governments, non-profits and large organizations worldwide.

As an award winning CMS led by an international community of more than a half million active contributors, helping the most inexperienced user to seasoned web developer make their digital visions a reality. Here are some of the Joomla! features you will love.


. Webmasters and content creators can create websites to be presented in multiple languages, without ever needing to step outside of the options available in the Joomla! core software. This is a big step forward and represents a set of capabilities that can make websites much more accessible, reaching out to a much larger audience.

Well Supported

There are thousands of professional Joomla! service providers throughout the world who can help build, maintain and market your Joomla! projects. The Joomla! community has a vetted directory of just some of these providers at the Joomla! Resources Directory.

Easy Updates

One of the big challenges with any software is keeping it up to date. Fortunately, Joomla! has a "One Click Version Update" feature to make this process super easy for users of any skill level.
The built-in updater also has an automated checker which notifies you if anything needs updating; this includes notifications of the core software and Joomla! extension that utilise this feature. Keeping your site up to date is the single best thing you can do to secure your web assets and Joomla! gives you the tools to do this with little effort.

Integrated Help System

Joomla! has an in-app contextual help system to help every level of user to operate their Joomla. Most pages have a help button in the top right, helping you fully understand all options on that page. There is also a glossary explaining the terms in plain English, a version checker makes sure you're using the latest version, a system information tool helps you troubleshoot. If all else fails, links to a wealth of online resources for additional help and support are available, such as Joomla! Documentation and User Forum.

Media Manager

The Media Manager is the tool for easily uploading, organizing and managing your media files and folders. You can even handle more types of files, thanks to the configurable MIME settings. The Media Manager is integrated into the Article Editor so you can access images and all other media files for easy usage and enhancement of your written content.

Banner Management

With the banner manager you have the possibility to easily add advertising and monetize your website. The tool allows you to create clients and campaigns, to add as many banners as you need, even custom codes, to set impression numbers, track the clicks and much more...

Contact Management

Not enough with just one contact form on your site? The contacts component allows you to add several contacts, departments and categories, and extend the basic contact information with miscellaneous information and an image. Easily set up a contact form for each contact you create and allow access to the public or just to some registered users, or create a listing of these contacts.

Search better, Search Smarter

With the built in search and smart search, your website visitors will be able to quickly and easily find the appropriate information on your site. And even more, thanks to the statistics you can analyze your visitors needs and streamline your content even better to serve them. You have the ability to use the included smart indexing, advanced search options, auto suggest searches - making Joomla! search the best in class right out of the box.

Frontend Editing

Editing content should be easy and fast. You are reading through your site's content and see a change you need to make. No need to login to the administrative section any more for simple edits of content and modules. Simply click and edit from the frontend.

Content Versioning

You will never again lose a previous important version of your article and other changes on your site. You are now able to track exactly who made what changes, when, and, if a version note was entered, why the item got edited. Then if needed you can revert to any previous version.

Syndication and Newsfeed Management

Make sure your visitors stay updated on the new content you're adding, even when they come only once in a while. With Syndication you create a feed that users subscribe to in their favorite RSS reader and so they receive the updates. With newsfeed management, you can integrate RSS feeds to your site. Gather all posts from some of the largest news sites and show them on your site for example.

Menu Manager

The Menu Manager allows you to create as many menus and menu items as you need. You can structure your menu hierarchy (and nested menu items) completely independent of your content structure. Put one menu in multiple places and in any style you want; use rollovers, dropdown, flyouts and just about any other navigation system you can think of. Also automatic breadcrumbs are generated to help navigate your site users.

Powerful Extensibility

The Joomla! core is just the beginning, the real power is in the way you can customize Joomla. More than 7,800 extensions are available to extend your website and broaden its funcionality. Visit the Joomla! Extensions Directory or use the Joomla! extension finder built right into Joomla! to see thousands of ways to enhance Joomla! to suit your needs.

Extensive ACL for all your access control needs

ACL stands for Access Control List, it allows you to manage the users of your site, and different groups. When you're managing large content portals or even intranets that means you need extensive control on who can see what and who can edit or manage what. The Joomla! ACL is extremely powerful and can be tweaked via configuration to suit any needs you might have.
Course Syllabus
  •    Joomla Versions
  •   Advantages of using Joomla
  •    Joomla Installation
  •   Requirements of Joomla Installation
  •    Concepts of Joomla CMS
  •   Menus, Articles, Sections, Categories
  •    Modules, Components & Plugins
  •   Admin and Site Extensions
  •    Global Configuration
  •   Article Manager
  •    Section Manager
  •   Category Manager
  •    Front page Manager
  •   Menu Manager
  •    Archive Manager
  •   Article Parameters
  •   Customizing the Joomla Template
  •    User positions & Modules
  •   Creating Custom Joomla Template
  •    Adding Styles to Joomla Template
  •   Media Manager
  •    Links Manager
  •   User Manager
  •    Template Manager
  •   Language Manager
  •    Banner Manager
  •   Installing Modules, Components and Plugins
  •    Joomla VirtueMart
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